I. Am. So. Freaking. Frustrated!
I'm getting so sick of the way some people treat me!
It's like. I'm there for them, I invite them to hang out with me.
And what do I get from them in return?
Nada. They don't text me. They don't invite me anywhere.
Like, seriously. What the fuck have done besides be there?
Yea. Nothing.
Yes, I say the wrong thing sometimes. WHO DOESN'T?!
God. And people wonder why I can't trust them.
Because, these days, too many people are fake. And I'm really getting sick of it.
I like people. I like hanging out with people, and I love having friends.
But I don't like being used and walked all over.
But whatever.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Things I Miss...
1. My room.
I miss the big space, all the pictures I have all over the walls, all my stuff that I couldn't take with me to my dorm.
I miss taking pictures and editing them on photoshop, and having my sophomore, Erika, always asking me how I did what I did. I miss getting to do something I was actually kinda good at.
3. My family.
I've never been away from my family for longer than two weeks, and I miss them! Even though we fought, it's still weird being away from them. Hell, I even miss Sami asking to borrow my necklaces all the time.
4. Matt.
It's sooo hard being away from him. We spent almost everyday together before I left, and now I don't get to see him at all. Just talk to him on the phone before bed and text him when we're not in class.
5. My Kittie!
Ahh. She drove me nuts but she's so freaking cute! She's my babyy!

6. My bed!
It's big and comfy, and mine.
7. Sleeping in.
I haven't gotten to sleep past nine. At all. Not once. I want to sleep in till noon soon! Ahhh!
8. The Zoo.
As crazy as that may seem, I miss my job at the zoo. It was fun and the co-workers were awesome! I really hope I get my job back next summer!
These are some of my pictures! I like to think that they're pretty awesome! lol :]

Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
So...I'm Posting A Lot Lately...
It's actually about wearing leggings as pants.
I think that's so GROSS.
I mean. You look like you're wearing long underwear around. You know those kind you get for skiing? Yea. Like that. Like, I don't think it looks bad under a dress, or a skirt, or maybe a shirt that covers your ass.
But with a shirt that doesn't? Come on people. How can you think it looks cute? You can see your underwear line. And it's not always flattering. How can you look in the mirror and think it looks good? How can you not feel like you're just wearing long undies?
Just wear a skirt or something with your shirt. Keep the leggings if you want. But. I don't think it's a cute look at all.
But, hey, that's just my opinion. What does it matter if you like it? lol
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
abc...Easy as 123
So today was my second day of classes. And I think I like my English and Social Work classes the best because they are my two smallest classes. Which is more like High School, and it'll be easier for me to ask my professors for help because they're more likely to know, and remember, me. :] I do already have homework. In both English and Social Work. And Sociology, too. lol
Annnd. I got a job. And a really easy one at that! You ready for this?
I'm getting paid to....
E-mail a disabled student a copy of my notes. That's all I have to do, and I'm getting paid. It's not crazy good hours, just when I have class and when I take notes. But still. I'm getting paid to take notes.
I'm also going to try and get another job where I can just work a day or two, just for some extra cash. Because as a notetaker I'll only get three hours, max, a week. So. I need a few more hours than that.
But it's really hard to get a job, even here. Like. Everyone's all over that shit. It's a bit annoying. But at least I have something; it's better than nothing.
School has started out pretty well, I just hope that it doesn't become too hard for me!
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
There's Just SO Much On My Mind....
- I'm out on my own.
- I make my own rules.
- My roommate is SUPER nice.
- We have free cable.
- Matt's not here with me. ):
- I have to make sure I remember to go to class.
- My dorm is the farthest away from all the other buildings.
- Matt's not with me. ): ):
I ended up hanging out with one of my new friends, Shelby, all day, until I went to my sister's house for my little birthday party. In which Matt came down to be with me. :] It was all great, until I had an asthma attack after I'd passed out. So here I am, still...well yea, having an asthma attack. What do I do? Panic. So now, I'm...well..., having an asthma attack, AND a panic attack. Not my best night ever. It was probably one of my worst ones ever; that was my first asthma attack. Now I'm even more terrified of having one.
But today was SO much better! No hangover! Go me! lol
Anyways, Matt spent almost the entire day with me! I had this stupid thing I had to go to from 2-4ish. But after that, Matt came back to my dorm and we chilled. Then I had a quick floor meeting with my RA. And Matt took a nap. When I came back to my room, he was still asleep, and I meant to just climb in my bed and cuddle with him, but I accidentally woke him up. Go figure, right? But we still cuddled anyways. :]
But then he had to leave me. ): Which, I did not want, AT ALL. But we talk on the phone every night. So I at least get to hear his voice. :] He says he should be able to Skype me soon, which will be awesome!
So, back to my "best friend".
Yea. It took that girl 10-20 minutes of sitting in my room, in my chair, SURROUNDED by balloons before she even remembered it was my birthday. Yea. Made me feel soooo special. After that, we went to lunch together with her roommate. I made her walk to the farthest food complex with me. Bahahaha. But then, on our way back, all her and her roommate talked about was this frat. party they were going to. I offered to let them borrow a dress. Did I even get an invite to go with them? No. Yes, I had plans. But it was my freaking birthday and it woulda been nice to get an invite to know they actually wanted to spend time with me.
I can honestly say that I don't think I'll be spending that much time with them at all this year.
Not that she cares since she's always all over Slushie, this guy she likes that has a GIRLFRIEND! And he's already cheated on the girl with my "BFF". If he'll cheat on the girl he's with now, if he gets with me "bestie", he'll cheat on her. And she's too stupid to realize it. But oh well, not my problem.
And Matt just called me, so it's time to go. :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:03 PM 0 comments