1. My room.
I miss the big space, all the pictures I have all over the walls, all my stuff that I couldn't take with me to my dorm.
I miss taking pictures and editing them on photoshop, and having my sophomore, Erika, always asking me how I did what I did. I miss getting to do something I was actually kinda good at.
3. My family.
I've never been away from my family for longer than two weeks, and I miss them! Even though we fought, it's still weird being away from them. Hell, I even miss Sami asking to borrow my necklaces all the time.
4. Matt.
It's sooo hard being away from him. We spent almost everyday together before I left, and now I don't get to see him at all. Just talk to him on the phone before bed and text him when we're not in class.
5. My Kittie!
Ahh. She drove me nuts but she's so freaking cute! She's my babyy!

6. My bed!
It's big and comfy, and mine.
7. Sleeping in.
I haven't gotten to sleep past nine. At all. Not once. I want to sleep in till noon soon! Ahhh!
8. The Zoo.
As crazy as that may seem, I miss my job at the zoo. It was fun and the co-workers were awesome! I really hope I get my job back next summer!
These are some of my pictures! I like to think that they're pretty awesome! lol :]

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