So, I went to Cedar Point last weekend, and I had a blast. :]
Matt actually got me to go on the Witch's Wheel with him...a ride without seat belts that spins you in circles and you go upside-down. I don't really know how else to explain it. lol
But, there was NO way I was going on the Dragster. He was outta luck on that.
We rode on the very front of the Maverick, in the dark, and that was a blast!
Mayyyybe not the smartest idea for me....on those "warning" signs, they clearing said no neck problems.
Buuut, I rode anyways. I'm so smart. lol :]
We also got a Caricature. Which is awesomee!
(If you don't know what that is, go here:
But yea, we didn't bring a camera with us--we didn't want to loose it.
So I don't have any pictures to post.
But the whole Halloweekends thing was awesome.
If you've ever been to Cedar Point before, you know the area where the Panda Express is.
Well, that whollllle back area they had fog machines all over, and people dressed up, and going around scaring people.
And people were actually getting scared; it was really funny/awesome at the same time.
I had a blast. :]
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Cedar Point...
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Research Project...
I feel like our research paper is doing fine. I'm not too good with working in groups on non-creative things. Like. Papers. I don't want to work with someone else on that. I'd rather do it all on my own. But when it's creative, that I can do. So. Personally, I think we're doing fine, but I'd rather just do it all by myself.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:43 PM 0 comments
10 Reasons Why...
Guys have it easier than Girls:
1. Guys get paid higher, for the same positions.
2. It only takes guy, what, 10-20 minutes to get ready. It takes girls usually around an hour, maybe more.
3. Guys don't have periods and all the negatives that come with them: bloating, back aches, moody-ness, cramps, and bleeding for about a week.
4. Guys don't get pregnant.
5. Guys don't get labeled negatively for hooking up; girls do.
6. Guys don't have as much pressure from the media; girls have a ton of pressure to look like the women in the media.
7. Guys are less likely to get sexually assaulted. Only 1/10 guys do, while 1/4 girls do.
8. Guys don't have to wear heels--ever.
9. Guys don't have to deal with fake, plastic friends as often as girls do.
10. Guys don't have to fight for respect as often as women do; there are still MANY male-chauvinist pigs out there (Men who that women are lesser than them. Like they have to be house-wives and belong in the kitchen and other bull shit).
So, Guys, next time you wonder why we get so stressed, or snap over little things, think about the things we go through in our lives that stress us out. The things you're lucky enough to not have to experience, at least not on the same level as girls.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Justin Bieber's Famous Over Him Because...?
So. I was just surfing Youtube today; I was rather bored, and I stumbled across this guy singing. And I was just like Holy shit this guy can sing! I would totally buy his CD if he had one. Like. Wow.
See for your self:
(This is the first one I found and listened to)
I'm in love with his voice. If you can't tell. :]
And you should be too! He's amazingg! :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ignore That Last Post...
I'm just kinda PMS-y, being a female and all. lol
But anyways. It's completely normal to get annoyed with people, even when you love them. Hell, we all love our families, I'm assuming, and we get annoyed with them.
And I told him he'd pissed me off when we talked on the phone the next day, and it's all good now. :]
Nowww. I'm SUPER excited because we're going Cedar Point, and it'll only be the third time in my entire life.
I went the summer before eighth grade, this year on the Fourth of July (we were there from 10am-1am!), and this Saturday makes the third time. I'm extra excited because it's Halloweekends! There's going to be Haunted Houses and all that jazz.
Hopefully we'll take lots of pictures, and I'll be sure to post them! If we do take them of course. haha
Goodnight everybody! :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Is It Normal....
To get sick of your boyfriend even though you live an hour and a half away from him? God, I hope so, because, I can honestly say I'm a little sick of Matt right now.
Like. When we talk on the phone at night, all he talks about is:
Where he wants to go with his music
Bitching about school
Annnd. That's really about it.
I can honestly say I'm getting bored. I miss the excitement we used to have. Like. It wasn't really exciting, per say, but it wasn't boring like it is right now.
The thrill of the chase is completely gone; I almost feel like we're a married couple who's been married for years.
Yea. That song kinda fits. I still love him soo much. But I'm sick of him.
I want to go to one of those all day/weekend sorta spas for an entire weekend!
Do the whole mud bath, full body massage, face mask, mani/pedi, & sauna room deal! With no contact. Just me. And a good friend.
I wasn't too mad at him or annoyed with him until tonight.
He called me. And what did he do? Talk about himself. Complained about school, and what he was going to do. Then he told me a story about something that happened to him when he went the the gas station. He stopped talking for a second, and I tried to say something, but what did he do? Interrupt me and keep talking. Then he told me he was going to bed. I said bye and hung up before he could say I love you. Did he get the hint that I was angry? Noooo, of course not. He just sent me a message on facebook telling me he loves me with a smiley face. I didn't write back.
Yea, I still love him. But I'm not in the mood to be cute.
And something else that really bothers me. He wrote a song about his exgirlfriend, after they broke up, called "Miss You", and he plays it all the time. I've never told him it bothers me because it's one of his favorite songs, but you'd think he'd at least not play it around me. Every time he plays it, I can't help but to wonder if he's thinking about her, and I'm too scared to ask. And it really drives me nuts.
This song kinda fits too. Not quite, since, as far as I know, he doesn't have any pictures of the bitch. But if he did, I'm pretty sure I'd scribble all over the bitch's face and rip that shit up. And I'd leave half of the trash on the floor, and burn the rest.
I don't think all my current inner-anger is from him. But he's pushing my buttons, making me direct it towards him--even if it is just in my blog and head. Maybe I'll feel better after I go to sleep.
I hope so.
I also really hope things get less boring. And his interesting side comes back out.
And if you read all this, wow. Power to you.
You deserve a cookie for sure.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Research Paper...
I have no ideas for our paper.
We were told we're supposed to write a controversial topic that is relevant and then told that we cannot write about:
gay marriage
gun control
capital punishment
Uhm....What the hell are we supposed to write about then????
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Stupid Fat Girl...
So my roommate is friends with this really fat, ugly, annoying girl, and I really honestly would like to just punch this girl.
It's like, she can't share Erica and she is a complete bitch to me. So of course I'm a bitch back. Like. She acts like she's the shit, when she's defiantly not. She claims she got roofied at this party she went to, and everyone knows it's a bunch of bullshit. Nobody else has been to that party, and the guy she claims did it to her is, wait for it.....GAY!
And for Halloween. Oh my gosh. She's wearing a short skirt, a cami that is really low, tights, and hooker heels. Uhm. Fat girls shouldn't dress like sluts. No girl should, but fat girls defiantly shouldn't. It's EXTREMELY unattractive.
And the stupid bitch doesn't understand that not all of us can't afford to spend our money on things we don't really need, like haircuts and shit.
And she was all WTF when she saw how empty our fridge is. Uhm, helllloooo! Some of us are supporting ourselves with NO HELP from our parents or anyone else--besides loans and tuition of that sort.
I bet her parents spoil her fat ass. But oh well. She'll have trouble with money when she's older if she doesn't grow the fuck up. Haha!
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Taylor Swift...
So. My absolute favorite song is "Mine" by my absolute favorite singer, Taylor Swift!
This song about about a girl who is very cautious when it comes to love and relationships. And I can honestly say I relate to that. It's not because my parents fought and divorced, like she sings about, but because I have trouble trusting people.
But the song is also about finding love--real love. Which I also think I have found.
Every time I hear this song, I can't help but to smile, and sometimes tear up. I don't know why, but it seems to have that effect on me.
Another amazing song that she sings is actually a cover of a George Strait song called "Run".
(When this video starts she talking about a situation that happened in the past)
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I don't really know what to post about, and I'm kinda bored at the moment. Sooo. I'm just going to talk about clothes, and my personal likes, and dislikes.
Let's start with wearing leggings as pants. It's not really a very good look, but it is possible to pull off--if you're wearing the right top.
When you're wearing a dress/skirt
When your shirt is long enough to cover you
When they're jeggings (jean leggings)
Not Okay:
When your ass is hanging out
When you can see through them
When you can see your camel toe
If they're patterned
Next, I'm gonna talk about dresses. I love dresses, but you have to know how to wear them!!
With leggings (espically if it's on the short side!!)
Mid-thigh length or longer
Not Okay:
Too tight
Over the top design/pattern
I'll talk about more in my next post...
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 1:54 PM 0 comments