Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cedar Point...

So, I went to Cedar Point last weekend, and I had a blast. :]
Matt actually got me to go on the Witch's Wheel with him...a ride without seat belts that spins you in circles and you go upside-down. I don't really know how else to explain it. lol
But, there was NO way I was going on the Dragster. He was outta luck on that.
We rode on the very front of the Maverick, in the dark, and that was a blast!
Mayyyybe not the smartest idea for me....on those "warning" signs, they clearing said no neck problems.
Buuut, I rode anyways. I'm so smart. lol :]
We also got a Caricature. Which is awesomee!
(If you don't know what that is, go here:
But yea, we didn't bring a camera with us--we didn't want to loose it.
So I don't have any pictures to post.
But the whole Halloweekends thing was awesome.
If you've ever been to Cedar Point before, you know the area where the Panda Express is.
Well, that whollllle back area they had fog machines all over, and people dressed up, and going around scaring people.
And people were actually getting scared; it was really funny/awesome at the same time.
I had a blast. :]