Friday, December 3, 2010

Donating Blood...

So. I donated blood today. It's something that I think more people should do. You have the potional to save THREE people's lives. THREE people. Like. It might hurt a little when they first put the needle in, but after that it's a peice of cake.THREE people. Like. It might hurt a little when they first put the needle in, but after that it's a peice of cake. So. You guys should try it sometime. Help some people out. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll need a blood donation.

Friday, November 19, 2010


So, Matt's birthday's tomorrow, and I'm sick. I have a realllly bad cold. And I think that I might be getting bronchitis. Ugh. LAME.
I hate being sick. And it really sucks that I have to be sick on my baby's birthday. What if I get him sick. I'd feel so bad. ):
Hopefully I'll get better soon. Sigh.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thirsty Thursdayyy...

Hahahaha. So. This, is what me and my roommate did this lovely Thirsty Thursday:

The best part?

We're completely sober.
Get on our level. :]

Friday, November 5, 2010

Research Paper...

Okay. So. I was plesantly suprised to find only a couple "negative" comments on my rought draft, because, frankly, I thought it was horrible. Apparently I'm a better writer than I like to tell myself. I still have to go in and revise the paper--and change on of my soruces. I just found it hard to find a good source that was usable in my paper. A lot of the ones I found that would be approved, would not have helped me in anyway.
I just have to edit my rough draft and write my cover letter and then I can call it a day.
I will, honestly, probably wait until Sunday to do that though. lol

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Taylor Swift...

So. People tell me a lot that I look like Taylor Swift. I don't really see it when I look at her and me, but it's a really nice complement. She's beautiful. :]

So. I got bored and decided to see how much alike we do look, and I went on faceinhole and put my face on her body. Then had fun editing the colors and what-not.
Here's the finished masterpiece:

(Click on the image to make it bigger)
Yes? No? lol

Monday, November 1, 2010

Research Paper...

So, I really had trouble with this paper. I had no idea where to start.
For one, a lot of the stuff I was finding on Academic Search Premier wasn't helpful towards my topic at all. So I had to use the sources that were found on Google.
And when I sat down to write the paper, I had no idea where to start. I ended up on Facebook and talking to my boyfriend, complaining to him about how I had no idea how to start.
I finally go started, after Matt got offline, and just kept writing. I wrote it all in one sitting; I had to. I wrote it last night.
But I'd tried to start it before, and just didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
I'm not really sure if I'm happy with it's current place, but it is a rough draft, so I can edit and change it as much as I need/want to.
I am a procrastinator; I don't have the motivation to write about a topic when I HAVE to...until the very last minute before it's due.
Some of my best papers are written that way.
I did almost the same thing as I always do with my papers on this paper.
Got my sources early, and wrote the actual paper the night before it was due.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cedar Point...

So, I went to Cedar Point last weekend, and I had a blast. :]
Matt actually got me to go on the Witch's Wheel with him...a ride without seat belts that spins you in circles and you go upside-down. I don't really know how else to explain it. lol
But, there was NO way I was going on the Dragster. He was outta luck on that.
We rode on the very front of the Maverick, in the dark, and that was a blast!
Mayyyybe not the smartest idea for me....on those "warning" signs, they clearing said no neck problems.
Buuut, I rode anyways. I'm so smart. lol :]
We also got a Caricature. Which is awesomee!
(If you don't know what that is, go here:
But yea, we didn't bring a camera with us--we didn't want to loose it.
So I don't have any pictures to post.
But the whole Halloweekends thing was awesome.
If you've ever been to Cedar Point before, you know the area where the Panda Express is.
Well, that whollllle back area they had fog machines all over, and people dressed up, and going around scaring people.
And people were actually getting scared; it was really funny/awesome at the same time.
I had a blast. :]