Monday, November 1, 2010

Research Paper...

So, I really had trouble with this paper. I had no idea where to start.
For one, a lot of the stuff I was finding on Academic Search Premier wasn't helpful towards my topic at all. So I had to use the sources that were found on Google.
And when I sat down to write the paper, I had no idea where to start. I ended up on Facebook and talking to my boyfriend, complaining to him about how I had no idea how to start.
I finally go started, after Matt got offline, and just kept writing. I wrote it all in one sitting; I had to. I wrote it last night.
But I'd tried to start it before, and just didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
I'm not really sure if I'm happy with it's current place, but it is a rough draft, so I can edit and change it as much as I need/want to.
I am a procrastinator; I don't have the motivation to write about a topic when I HAVE to...until the very last minute before it's due.
Some of my best papers are written that way.
I did almost the same thing as I always do with my papers on this paper.
Got my sources early, and wrote the actual paper the night before it was due.