So. I donated blood today. It's something that I think more people should do. You have the potional to save THREE people's lives. THREE people. Like. It might hurt a little when they first put the needle in, but after that it's a peice of cake.THREE people. Like. It might hurt a little when they first put the needle in, but after that it's a peice of cake. So. You guys should try it sometime. Help some people out. Who knows. Maybe one day you'll need a blood donation.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
So, Matt's birthday's tomorrow, and I'm sick. I have a realllly bad cold. And I think that I might be getting bronchitis. Ugh. LAME.
I hate being sick. And it really sucks that I have to be sick on my baby's birthday. What if I get him sick. I'd feel so bad. ):
Hopefully I'll get better soon. Sigh.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thirsty Thursdayyy...
Hahahaha. So. This, is what me and my roommate did this lovely Thirsty Thursday:
The best part?
We're completely sober.
Get on our level. :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
Research Paper...
Okay. So. I was plesantly suprised to find only a couple "negative" comments on my rought draft, because, frankly, I thought it was horrible. Apparently I'm a better writer than I like to tell myself. I still have to go in and revise the paper--and change on of my soruces. I just found it hard to find a good source that was usable in my paper. A lot of the ones I found that would be approved, would not have helped me in anyway.
I just have to edit my rough draft and write my cover letter and then I can call it a day.
I will, honestly, probably wait until Sunday to do that though. lol
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Taylor Swift...
So. People tell me a lot that I look like Taylor Swift. I don't really see it when I look at her and me, but it's a really nice complement. She's beautiful. :]
So. I got bored and decided to see how much alike we do look, and I went on faceinhole and put my face on her body. Then had fun editing the colors and what-not.
Here's the finished masterpiece:
(Click on the image to make it bigger)
Yes? No? lol
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Research Paper...
So, I really had trouble with this paper. I had no idea where to start.
For one, a lot of the stuff I was finding on Academic Search Premier wasn't helpful towards my topic at all. So I had to use the sources that were found on Google.
And when I sat down to write the paper, I had no idea where to start. I ended up on Facebook and talking to my boyfriend, complaining to him about how I had no idea how to start.
I finally go started, after Matt got offline, and just kept writing. I wrote it all in one sitting; I had to. I wrote it last night.
But I'd tried to start it before, and just didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
I'm not really sure if I'm happy with it's current place, but it is a rough draft, so I can edit and change it as much as I need/want to.
I am a procrastinator; I don't have the motivation to write about a topic when I HAVE to...until the very last minute before it's due.
Some of my best papers are written that way.
I did almost the same thing as I always do with my papers on this paper.
Got my sources early, and wrote the actual paper the night before it was due.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Cedar Point...
So, I went to Cedar Point last weekend, and I had a blast. :]
Matt actually got me to go on the Witch's Wheel with him...a ride without seat belts that spins you in circles and you go upside-down. I don't really know how else to explain it. lol
But, there was NO way I was going on the Dragster. He was outta luck on that.
We rode on the very front of the Maverick, in the dark, and that was a blast!
Mayyyybe not the smartest idea for me....on those "warning" signs, they clearing said no neck problems.
Buuut, I rode anyways. I'm so smart. lol :]
We also got a Caricature. Which is awesomee!
(If you don't know what that is, go here:
But yea, we didn't bring a camera with us--we didn't want to loose it.
So I don't have any pictures to post.
But the whole Halloweekends thing was awesome.
If you've ever been to Cedar Point before, you know the area where the Panda Express is.
Well, that whollllle back area they had fog machines all over, and people dressed up, and going around scaring people.
And people were actually getting scared; it was really funny/awesome at the same time.
I had a blast. :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Research Project...
I feel like our research paper is doing fine. I'm not too good with working in groups on non-creative things. Like. Papers. I don't want to work with someone else on that. I'd rather do it all on my own. But when it's creative, that I can do. So. Personally, I think we're doing fine, but I'd rather just do it all by myself.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:43 PM 0 comments
10 Reasons Why...
Guys have it easier than Girls:
1. Guys get paid higher, for the same positions.
2. It only takes guy, what, 10-20 minutes to get ready. It takes girls usually around an hour, maybe more.
3. Guys don't have periods and all the negatives that come with them: bloating, back aches, moody-ness, cramps, and bleeding for about a week.
4. Guys don't get pregnant.
5. Guys don't get labeled negatively for hooking up; girls do.
6. Guys don't have as much pressure from the media; girls have a ton of pressure to look like the women in the media.
7. Guys are less likely to get sexually assaulted. Only 1/10 guys do, while 1/4 girls do.
8. Guys don't have to wear heels--ever.
9. Guys don't have to deal with fake, plastic friends as often as girls do.
10. Guys don't have to fight for respect as often as women do; there are still MANY male-chauvinist pigs out there (Men who that women are lesser than them. Like they have to be house-wives and belong in the kitchen and other bull shit).
So, Guys, next time you wonder why we get so stressed, or snap over little things, think about the things we go through in our lives that stress us out. The things you're lucky enough to not have to experience, at least not on the same level as girls.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Justin Bieber's Famous Over Him Because...?
So. I was just surfing Youtube today; I was rather bored, and I stumbled across this guy singing. And I was just like Holy shit this guy can sing! I would totally buy his CD if he had one. Like. Wow.
See for your self:
(This is the first one I found and listened to)
I'm in love with his voice. If you can't tell. :]
And you should be too! He's amazingg! :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ignore That Last Post...
I'm just kinda PMS-y, being a female and all. lol
But anyways. It's completely normal to get annoyed with people, even when you love them. Hell, we all love our families, I'm assuming, and we get annoyed with them.
And I told him he'd pissed me off when we talked on the phone the next day, and it's all good now. :]
Nowww. I'm SUPER excited because we're going Cedar Point, and it'll only be the third time in my entire life.
I went the summer before eighth grade, this year on the Fourth of July (we were there from 10am-1am!), and this Saturday makes the third time. I'm extra excited because it's Halloweekends! There's going to be Haunted Houses and all that jazz.
Hopefully we'll take lots of pictures, and I'll be sure to post them! If we do take them of course. haha
Goodnight everybody! :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Is It Normal....
To get sick of your boyfriend even though you live an hour and a half away from him? God, I hope so, because, I can honestly say I'm a little sick of Matt right now.
Like. When we talk on the phone at night, all he talks about is:
Where he wants to go with his music
Bitching about school
Annnd. That's really about it.
I can honestly say I'm getting bored. I miss the excitement we used to have. Like. It wasn't really exciting, per say, but it wasn't boring like it is right now.
The thrill of the chase is completely gone; I almost feel like we're a married couple who's been married for years.
Yea. That song kinda fits. I still love him soo much. But I'm sick of him.
I want to go to one of those all day/weekend sorta spas for an entire weekend!
Do the whole mud bath, full body massage, face mask, mani/pedi, & sauna room deal! With no contact. Just me. And a good friend.
I wasn't too mad at him or annoyed with him until tonight.
He called me. And what did he do? Talk about himself. Complained about school, and what he was going to do. Then he told me a story about something that happened to him when he went the the gas station. He stopped talking for a second, and I tried to say something, but what did he do? Interrupt me and keep talking. Then he told me he was going to bed. I said bye and hung up before he could say I love you. Did he get the hint that I was angry? Noooo, of course not. He just sent me a message on facebook telling me he loves me with a smiley face. I didn't write back.
Yea, I still love him. But I'm not in the mood to be cute.
And something else that really bothers me. He wrote a song about his exgirlfriend, after they broke up, called "Miss You", and he plays it all the time. I've never told him it bothers me because it's one of his favorite songs, but you'd think he'd at least not play it around me. Every time he plays it, I can't help but to wonder if he's thinking about her, and I'm too scared to ask. And it really drives me nuts.
This song kinda fits too. Not quite, since, as far as I know, he doesn't have any pictures of the bitch. But if he did, I'm pretty sure I'd scribble all over the bitch's face and rip that shit up. And I'd leave half of the trash on the floor, and burn the rest.
I don't think all my current inner-anger is from him. But he's pushing my buttons, making me direct it towards him--even if it is just in my blog and head. Maybe I'll feel better after I go to sleep.
I hope so.
I also really hope things get less boring. And his interesting side comes back out.
And if you read all this, wow. Power to you.
You deserve a cookie for sure.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Research Paper...
I have no ideas for our paper.
We were told we're supposed to write a controversial topic that is relevant and then told that we cannot write about:
gay marriage
gun control
capital punishment
Uhm....What the hell are we supposed to write about then????
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Stupid Fat Girl...
So my roommate is friends with this really fat, ugly, annoying girl, and I really honestly would like to just punch this girl.
It's like, she can't share Erica and she is a complete bitch to me. So of course I'm a bitch back. Like. She acts like she's the shit, when she's defiantly not. She claims she got roofied at this party she went to, and everyone knows it's a bunch of bullshit. Nobody else has been to that party, and the guy she claims did it to her is, wait for it.....GAY!
And for Halloween. Oh my gosh. She's wearing a short skirt, a cami that is really low, tights, and hooker heels. Uhm. Fat girls shouldn't dress like sluts. No girl should, but fat girls defiantly shouldn't. It's EXTREMELY unattractive.
And the stupid bitch doesn't understand that not all of us can't afford to spend our money on things we don't really need, like haircuts and shit.
And she was all WTF when she saw how empty our fridge is. Uhm, helllloooo! Some of us are supporting ourselves with NO HELP from our parents or anyone else--besides loans and tuition of that sort.
I bet her parents spoil her fat ass. But oh well. She'll have trouble with money when she's older if she doesn't grow the fuck up. Haha!
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Taylor Swift...
So. My absolute favorite song is "Mine" by my absolute favorite singer, Taylor Swift!
This song about about a girl who is very cautious when it comes to love and relationships. And I can honestly say I relate to that. It's not because my parents fought and divorced, like she sings about, but because I have trouble trusting people.
But the song is also about finding love--real love. Which I also think I have found.
Every time I hear this song, I can't help but to smile, and sometimes tear up. I don't know why, but it seems to have that effect on me.
Another amazing song that she sings is actually a cover of a George Strait song called "Run".
(When this video starts she talking about a situation that happened in the past)
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I don't really know what to post about, and I'm kinda bored at the moment. Sooo. I'm just going to talk about clothes, and my personal likes, and dislikes.
Let's start with wearing leggings as pants. It's not really a very good look, but it is possible to pull off--if you're wearing the right top.
When you're wearing a dress/skirt
When your shirt is long enough to cover you
When they're jeggings (jean leggings)
Not Okay:
When your ass is hanging out
When you can see through them
When you can see your camel toe
If they're patterned
Next, I'm gonna talk about dresses. I love dresses, but you have to know how to wear them!!
With leggings (espically if it's on the short side!!)
Mid-thigh length or longer
Not Okay:
Too tight
Over the top design/pattern
I'll talk about more in my next post...
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dear Rosnellys...
Six tips on how to fall asleep:
"1- Silence
You might be sensitive to noises around you and outside of the bedroom.
Reduce them if you can... or try the Whole Night Track. The dull sound of it will filter out unwanted noises and you'll be more likely to just forget about them.
2- Darkness
Your sleeping room should also be as dark as possible. Light would shut off melatonin production and tell your body that it's time to wake up. If you can't create a truly dark environment for you to sleep in, purchase an eye mask, the kind people wear in airplanes.
3- Good mattress, big bed
Invest in a quality mattress, your body will thank you for it and you'll experience deeper sleep. If you sleep with someone who's moving a lot during the night in a disturbing way, get a wider bed so you won't be awakened by the other person's own sleep problem.
4- Lie down and immediately start the Fall Asleep Track
Since all daytime activities are now prohibited in your sleeping room, and since it's dark, cool, calm, and comfortable, the only thing you can do there is sleep. Press the play button and let yourself be carried away by the Fall Asleep Track.
After a while you won't need it anymore. The mere act of lying in your bed will make you irresistibly asleep. And when you reach that state, sleep problems will be a thing of the past.
5- Adopt your favorite position and relax your jaw
Once you're comfortable, relax your jaw. When you're awake your jaw is always somewhat tensed, right? And even more so if you're stressed out, right? But what happens to it when you're into stages 3 and 4 of deep sleep? It's totally relaxed. So enter the relaxation stage by consciously relaxing your jaw. Let your mouth open slightly.
6- Let go
Let go of trying, let go of what happened during the day...
Don't force anything. Don't try to extinguish the thoughts, don't try to sleep. Just let yourself drift away. Thoughts might arise, but that's ok. It's like steam finding its way out. So let the thoughts come and let them go. Some days there'll be more thoughts, some days less, it doesn't matter.
Instead of focusing on them, listen how the pulses of the Fall Asleep Track progressively go slower and slower. Your brain will settle by syncing itself with the pulses without you having to do anything."
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 6:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
So. I think it's really gross when 27 year old guys hit on 19 year old girls, and don't see what's wrong with it. I've had a lot of that happening lately...and when I tell them they're gross, they tell me I'm acting like a 14 year old. Like. Seriously, what the fuck? It's not MY fault that YOU'RE a gross perv, and I'm not scared to tell you that. I mean, get a life. If you have to try to hit on 19 year olds' on the internet, than your life must be PATHETIC. Move out of your mother's house, and grow a pair. Girls my age don't want to be with guys your age. Well. At least I don't. I'm so not into that. Ew. This isn't the time of Jesus where girls who were young were pretty much forced to marry old men. Get someone your own age. And if you can't, you've got a hand; use it.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
So. What is stalking? Can you stalk someone through their friends? If you can, and it's being done to you, is a restraining order justifiable? These are all questions that are on my mind. One of my friend's ex boyfriends is doing this to her. He's also tried calling, messaging, and e-mailing her a billion times.
Stalking Behaviors
* Waiting at the victim's workplace or in their neighborhood
* Persistent phone calls, text messages, emails, letters or notes
* Placing messages in the media
* Sending gifts from the seemingly "romantic" (i.e. flowers and/or candy) to the bizarre (i.e.
pornographic gifts)
* Breaking into the victim's home or car
* Gathering information on the victim: contacting people who know the victim; searching public or
personal records, or the trash, for information.
* Surveillance:
-persistently watching the individual
-employing detective agencies to watch the victim
-using cameras, audio equipment, phone tapping, or bugging the victim's home or
-installing spyware on the victim's computer
-installing GPS tracking systems on the victim's car or cellphone
* Manipulative behavior (for example: bringing legal action against the victim, or threatening to
commit suicide in order to coerce the victim to intervene--all methods of forcing contact with the
* Defamation of character: the stalker will often lie to others about the victim, trying to limit their
options and weaken their support network. This isolates the victim, making them seem more
vulnerable, and gives the stalker a feeling of power and control.
* "Objectification": the stalker derogates the victim, thus reducing them to an object which allows
the stalker to feel angry with them without experiencing empathy. It helps the stalker feel they
are entitled to behave as they please toward the victim. Viewing her/him as "lesser," "weak" or
otherwise seriously flawed can support delusions that the victim needs to be rescued, or
punished, by the stalker.
* Threats and violence: the stalker uses threats to frighten the victim; vandalism and property
damage (usually to the victims car); physical attacks that leave abrasions and bruises (mostly
meant to frighten); less common--physical attacks that leave serious physical injuries, or sexual
* Cyberstalking: electronic mediums, such as the Internet, are used to pursue, harass or contact
another in an unsolicited fashion. The stalker may install spyware on their target's computer or
cellphone, and use an Internet connection to upload the information they gather. They may loiter
around forums they know their target frequents, even joining the forums in order to contact their
target, or contact other forum members the target interacts with. Cyberstalking is an extension
of the physical form of stalking.
* Gang stalking: stalking by multiple perpetrators, or one perpetrator is able to convince others to
assist in his/her stalking and harassing activities against a victim.
Her ex shows some of these behaviors. But are they enough to get a restraining order? I feel so bad for her, and wish there was more I could do. ):
But. If you ever think you might be being stalked...there's the info you need. ^^
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Strawberry Fields Forever...
Yea. The title has nothing to do with this post really. I just love that song. :]
Anyways. I dyed my hair! Say goodbye Strawberry Blonde and hello Brunette.
BEFORE: Strawberry Blonde
AFTER: Brunette
The after picture's not in the best light, but, hey. You get the idea. :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Lady Gaga....
Okay. So I'm am officially EXTREMELY SICK of Lady Gaga. Like. Seriously.
I'm sick of hearing about her.
I'm sick of hearing her annoying songs.
I'm sick of her ugly ass clothes.
She changed at least three times at the VMAs. And ALL of her outfits were UGLY and STUPID.
Take the meat dress for example:
What the fuck was she thinking?
Meat was made to be EATEN, NOT WORN.
I bet that offended a lot of vegetarians.
And. I wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up every time she accepted an award. Her songs are annoyingg. And she's really annoying as well.
She didn't deserve any of those awards. But whatever. I guess people just like annoying shit.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
Yea Buddy...
A-Z [:
Instructions: Fill out these questions and make a new note called ‘ABC About You.’
ABC About You Questions
A - AVAILABLE: No sir.
B - BIRTHDAY: August 21st
C - CRUSHING ON: Matthew William Colby Winchester <3 <3
F - FAVORITE SONG: Mine--Taylor Swift
H - HOMETOWN: Fort Wayne IN
I - IN LOVE WITH: Matt <3
J - JUGGLE: Hahaha Nooo
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: From Indiana to Florida
M- MILKSHAKE: Dark Chocolate!
O - ONE WISH: To help children
R- REASON TO SMILE: Matthew :]
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Uhm. Some random song on That 70s show
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9:00 am
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: White, black, and other colors
V - VEGETABLE(S): Green pepper!
W - WORST HABIT: Chewing my nails
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Finger...neck
Y - YOYOS ARE: Boring?
Random Questions About You
Spell your name without vowels: rk. lmao
Your favorite number: 21
What color do you wear most?: Hmm. Purple?
Least favorite color?: Orange, black, red...
What are you listening to?: TV
Are you happy with your life right now?: Yessir
Are You watching good movie: I'm not watching a movie
What was your favorite class in school?: Dance & Photography
Who is your best friend: Kirstin Marie
Are you outgoing?: Half the time haha
Favorite pair of shoes?: Riiight now, my flippy floppys
Can you dance?: Nooo
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: No sire
Can you whistle?: Yupp
Write with both hands?: Kinda.
Walk with your toes curled?: lmao yea
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Shure
Do you believe in miracles?: Somewhat
Do you believe in magic?: In a young girl's heart...hahah
Do you believe in Love at first sight?: No
Do you believe in Satan?: Meh
Do you believe in Santa?: Of course ;]
Do you know how to swim?: Duh
Do you like roller coasters?: Fuck. Yes.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: HELL NO
Have you ever been on a plane?: No
Have you ever asked someone out?: Actually, on a date, yes.
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yess :]
Have you ever been to the ocean?: I love the ocean!
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yupp
Have you ever been in love?: I am right now. :]
Have you ever date a football player?: Once.
What is the temperature outside?: Warm with a nice breeze
What radio station do you listen to?: Here? Nada
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Subway
What was the last thing you bought?: Food with my meal card. lol
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: That 70s Show
Who was the last person you IM'd?: Matt
Who was the last person you took a picture of/with: Matt
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: Matt
Who was the last person you kissed and when? Matt. Monday
Ever really cried your heart out?: Oh yea
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Definitely
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: No. I don't cry in front of people.
Ever cried over the opposite sex? Yup
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Depends
Do certain songs make you cry?: Only one.
Are you a happy person?: Mostly
What is your current hair color?: Strawberry blonde or light brown. It's a bit of a debate lol
What is your current eye color? Green! :]
What shirt are you wearing?: A blank tank top
Pants: Jean shorts
Shoes?: Bare feet
Necklaces?: Nadaa
Underwear: Cute ones
Favorite eye color: Green!
Short or long hair: Short long hair. lol
Height: Taller than meee
Been to jail: Noo
Mooned someone: lmao no
Thought about suicide: No
Laughed so hard you cried: Yes!
Cried in school: No
Thrown up in a store: No way
Wanted to be a model: Yes, yes I did
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: lmao of course
Seen a dead body: Yes. ):
Been on drugs: prescribed ones lol
Gone skinny dipping: Almost.
Single or Group Dates: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Both!
Meat or Veggies: Neither...
TV or Movie: Movie
Adidas or Nike: Neither
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Cheerios!
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Black or white: Black
Obama or ..... : Ew.
Sexy or Beautiful: Beautiful
Sexy and rude or Ugly and nice: Neither.
Talking or writing: Talking
Cellphone or computer: Both lol
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Fake Bitches....
I'm so fucking sick of them. Like. This girl who's supposed to be my best friend, and has been since Freshman year in High School, has turned into such a fake bitch. She spends all her time with the friends she just met, and doesn't include me in anything. Hell. She tried to tell me today, that yesterday, she tried to hang out with me.
You know what she said to me?
"Come get your makeup bag" Now. How the hell am I going to take that as an invite to hang out with them? To me that sounded like: "Get your bag out of my room" Not, "Let's hang out". God. This is why I didn't want her to come to the same college as me. I'm getting sick of her shit. When she thought she couldn't afford BSU, and was going to go to IPFW, I'm not going to lie, I was a little excited. I was excited that we were going to the same school before she started getting all fake and bitchy. But whatever. I won't be there for her next time she needs me. She can go to Alise, hell. She's already more important than me anyways.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:59 AM 0 comments
I Hate Being Sick...
Yea. The title really says it all. I've got this lovely little cold. And it sucks. I can't breathe and I'm so tired. I got home from class yesterday, did a little bit of homework, and took a nap. After that I was just like, fuck it. I did my English homework before class today, because I'd forgotten about it. It was such a long weekend, and I'd been at my boyfriend's house from Friday until Monday. I'd brought homework to do, but it never got done. Thankfully, I didn't get sick until Monday, and it didn't get bad until I was back in Muncie. But it'd be so much better if I wasn't sick at all. Because it's really not fun.
And the worst part? I can't take cold medicine. If I do, I'll OD on Anti-Histamines because of my allergy meds. And you can tell if I've OD. My eyes get all dilated. It's kinda funny, but it sucks. It hurts when your eyes are dilated. Ever been to the eye doctor for it? Yea, you know what I mean. And I'm hungry. But food tastes funny. When I'm better...I think the first thing I'm going to do is to eat.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
It's 3:00. And I'm not tired. So. I decided to kill some time on here. :]
Ten of the most important people in my life:
1. My dad
2. My mom
3. Jessica
4. Sami
5. Risa
6. Matt <3
Nine things in my room right now:
1. Clothes
2. Panda Bears
3. Shoes
4. Chairs
5. Dishes
6. Bags
7. Posters
8. Pictures
9. Necklaces
Eight of my favorite movies:
1. The Little Mermaid
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. The Princess and the Frog
4. Grease
5. Chicago
6. Armageddon
7. The Little Princess
8. Anastasia
Seven things I love about college:
1. Making my own rules
2. Having less classes
3. Living away from home for the first time
4. The campus
5. My room
6. The food
7. Starbucks
Six people I hung out with tonight:
1. Black Kevin
2. Kirstin
3. Alise
4. J.B.
5. Jake
6. Rosie
Five pets I've had:
1. Kyra (Dog)
2. Tera (Dog)
3. Midnight (Hampster)
4. Kittie (Cat)
5. Sable (Rabbit)
Four of my biggest pet peeves:
1. Being told what to do
2. Being ignored
3. "Get a room" PDA
4. Being taken for granted
Three of my favorite colors:
1. Purple!
2. Yellow
3. Blue
Two of my goals:
1. To graduate with a 4.0, maybe a 3.5
2. To make a difference in people's lives
One person I miss the most:
1. Matt <3
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Random Thoughts...
Sooo. I'm pretty excited for this weekend, for one, I have no classes on Monday. Woot! lol :]
I'm also going home this weekend...well, not really home home, I'm staying at my boyfriend's house. My mom pretty much told me I'm not allowed to come home until Thanksgiving break, but I can't go that long without seeing Matt every now and then, you have to see you significant other and be with them in person somewhat for it to work out. I mean, I don't see how people can do long distance without being with that person in person. Like. It's so much better when you're with them, and you can feel the chemistry, ya know? So anyways, my parents have no idea I'm coming home. But I'm an adult, so I can do what I want. I'd love to go see them. But my mom doesn't think I need to be coming home. So. Yea.
I'm also excited about it because that gives me time to do homework, while Matt's at work, without having to worry about time. I don't have any classes to make sure I won't miss. And I won't have a car, so I can't go anywhere that will keep me from doing my work. 'Cause, come on, I'm so not walking anywhere when I walk so much everyday for classes! lol
Our first football game is tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited. My high school team sucked, so it's going to be nice to see a team that I don't already know will lose. There was no point in going to one of my high school's teams football games, unless you just wanted to get out of the house and hang out with your friends. If you wanted to support a winning team, go to the visitors side. Or watch a professional team on the TV. So it'll be nice to see a real football game, live.
On another note, I really want this bookbag my friend showed me; it's awesome!
Yea. So that's what I totally want for Christmas! And Taylor Swift's new CD! But I don't know if I could wait for it for that long, since it comes out in October.
That's a long wait. But, seeing as I'm broke, I might just have to wait that long. ):
Another thing on my mind is tattoos. I already have one on my hip, but I'm planning on getting one behind my ear as well. When I have the money. I already have what I want picked out!(I'll post pictures later!)
I'm really excited about it, but nervous too. Because it's going to hurt way worse than the one on my hip. But Matt said he'd go with me. So I have someone's hand to hold. Well. I had someone's hand last time too, but this time it's someone a little more special.
I think that's all that's really on my mind right now. Well. That I feel like writing about.
But if you made it through all this, then I totally love. Haha. Just kidding. But you're pretty awesome. 'Cause it's just a lot of stuff that's unimportant. Well. Not to me. But. To other people. Yea, so I'm going to stop babbling.
Thanks for taking the time to read all this. :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
I. Am. So. Freaking. Frustrated!
I'm getting so sick of the way some people treat me!
It's like. I'm there for them, I invite them to hang out with me.
And what do I get from them in return?
Nada. They don't text me. They don't invite me anywhere.
Like, seriously. What the fuck have done besides be there?
Yea. Nothing.
Yes, I say the wrong thing sometimes. WHO DOESN'T?!
God. And people wonder why I can't trust them.
Because, these days, too many people are fake. And I'm really getting sick of it.
I like people. I like hanging out with people, and I love having friends.
But I don't like being used and walked all over.
But whatever.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Things I Miss...
1. My room.
I miss the big space, all the pictures I have all over the walls, all my stuff that I couldn't take with me to my dorm.
I miss taking pictures and editing them on photoshop, and having my sophomore, Erika, always asking me how I did what I did. I miss getting to do something I was actually kinda good at.
3. My family.
I've never been away from my family for longer than two weeks, and I miss them! Even though we fought, it's still weird being away from them. Hell, I even miss Sami asking to borrow my necklaces all the time.
4. Matt.
It's sooo hard being away from him. We spent almost everyday together before I left, and now I don't get to see him at all. Just talk to him on the phone before bed and text him when we're not in class.
5. My Kittie!
Ahh. She drove me nuts but she's so freaking cute! She's my babyy!

6. My bed!
It's big and comfy, and mine.
7. Sleeping in.
I haven't gotten to sleep past nine. At all. Not once. I want to sleep in till noon soon! Ahhh!
8. The Zoo.
As crazy as that may seem, I miss my job at the zoo. It was fun and the co-workers were awesome! I really hope I get my job back next summer!
These are some of my pictures! I like to think that they're pretty awesome! lol :]

Posted by Erika R e n é e at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
So...I'm Posting A Lot Lately...
It's actually about wearing leggings as pants.
I think that's so GROSS.
I mean. You look like you're wearing long underwear around. You know those kind you get for skiing? Yea. Like that. Like, I don't think it looks bad under a dress, or a skirt, or maybe a shirt that covers your ass.
But with a shirt that doesn't? Come on people. How can you think it looks cute? You can see your underwear line. And it's not always flattering. How can you look in the mirror and think it looks good? How can you not feel like you're just wearing long undies?
Just wear a skirt or something with your shirt. Keep the leggings if you want. But. I don't think it's a cute look at all.
But, hey, that's just my opinion. What does it matter if you like it? lol
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
abc...Easy as 123
So today was my second day of classes. And I think I like my English and Social Work classes the best because they are my two smallest classes. Which is more like High School, and it'll be easier for me to ask my professors for help because they're more likely to know, and remember, me. :] I do already have homework. In both English and Social Work. And Sociology, too. lol
Annnd. I got a job. And a really easy one at that! You ready for this?
I'm getting paid to....
E-mail a disabled student a copy of my notes. That's all I have to do, and I'm getting paid. It's not crazy good hours, just when I have class and when I take notes. But still. I'm getting paid to take notes.
I'm also going to try and get another job where I can just work a day or two, just for some extra cash. Because as a notetaker I'll only get three hours, max, a week. So. I need a few more hours than that.
But it's really hard to get a job, even here. Like. Everyone's all over that shit. It's a bit annoying. But at least I have something; it's better than nothing.
School has started out pretty well, I just hope that it doesn't become too hard for me!
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
There's Just SO Much On My Mind....
- I'm out on my own.
- I make my own rules.
- My roommate is SUPER nice.
- We have free cable.
- Matt's not here with me. ):
- I have to make sure I remember to go to class.
- My dorm is the farthest away from all the other buildings.
- Matt's not with me. ): ):
I ended up hanging out with one of my new friends, Shelby, all day, until I went to my sister's house for my little birthday party. In which Matt came down to be with me. :] It was all great, until I had an asthma attack after I'd passed out. So here I am, still...well yea, having an asthma attack. What do I do? Panic. So now, I'm...well..., having an asthma attack, AND a panic attack. Not my best night ever. It was probably one of my worst ones ever; that was my first asthma attack. Now I'm even more terrified of having one.
But today was SO much better! No hangover! Go me! lol
Anyways, Matt spent almost the entire day with me! I had this stupid thing I had to go to from 2-4ish. But after that, Matt came back to my dorm and we chilled. Then I had a quick floor meeting with my RA. And Matt took a nap. When I came back to my room, he was still asleep, and I meant to just climb in my bed and cuddle with him, but I accidentally woke him up. Go figure, right? But we still cuddled anyways. :]
But then he had to leave me. ): Which, I did not want, AT ALL. But we talk on the phone every night. So I at least get to hear his voice. :] He says he should be able to Skype me soon, which will be awesome!
So, back to my "best friend".
Yea. It took that girl 10-20 minutes of sitting in my room, in my chair, SURROUNDED by balloons before she even remembered it was my birthday. Yea. Made me feel soooo special. After that, we went to lunch together with her roommate. I made her walk to the farthest food complex with me. Bahahaha. But then, on our way back, all her and her roommate talked about was this frat. party they were going to. I offered to let them borrow a dress. Did I even get an invite to go with them? No. Yes, I had plans. But it was my freaking birthday and it woulda been nice to get an invite to know they actually wanted to spend time with me.
I can honestly say that I don't think I'll be spending that much time with them at all this year.
Not that she cares since she's always all over Slushie, this guy she likes that has a GIRLFRIEND! And he's already cheated on the girl with my "BFF". If he'll cheat on the girl he's with now, if he gets with me "bestie", he'll cheat on her. And she's too stupid to realize it. But oh well, not my problem.
And Matt just called me, so it's time to go. :]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
So I just have so many emotions going on right now, and I don't know how yo get them all out...but here goes!
So. That boy? Well yea. Everything is going sooooo well! We've been together for almost two weeks (tomorrow), and he's already taken me out five times. :]
It's not the first time we've dated, and we've been friends for three years, so we know each other really well. Which makes it seem like we've been together for a lot longer than three weeks.
So. We went to the movie last night, and saw Inception. Good movie, but probably a little too long. If you can't sit still for almost two and a half hours. But, anyways. He called me after the movie, just to tell me that he got butterflies in his tummy--something that he hasn't had in a looonnng time. And today he told me I'm special. And I'm just so happy but I can't put it to words. Like. ;sajgdsmvmsjd It's so freaking frustrating. I'm so happy and I can't figure out how to let people know just HOW happy I really am.
Since my parents have no idea I'm dating him again. Blaahhh.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Wow. So. These past two days were awesome.
I went out to lunch with that guy I talked about in my first post.
Then we hung out at his house. And he asked me out.
He was being oober sweet too!
He told me I looked brilliant. That my eyes are pretty. Kept trying to take pictures of me. And called me "Mi Amor".
So. That was a great freaking day.
Family reunion. It is what it is.
Buuut. Then I went out to a movie with mah man.
The movie sucked. But cuddling was great. :D
I don't want to leave him behind when I leave next month, so I really hope we see each other a lot. 'Cause I know I'm going to miss him...lots. I've liked this guy for three years. And we've been off and on the whole time. But this time is different, I can just feel it.
I could probably write about him all night, but I'm sleepy. So I'm off to bed! ;]
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
You'll Never Guess What Happened To Me At Work....
Work was interesting today.
My shoes fell apart. Just out of nowhere.
I was cashiering, and had to walk to throw something away. And I felt something hitting the bottom of my left foot, and the first thought that came across my mind was What the fuck is that?
It was the bottom of my shoe; the shocks.
So how did I fix them? Velcro. Oh yea. I stuck the bottom of that sucker back together with Velcro.
Then, later, when I was sweeping, my other shoe did the same thing--out of nowhere.
I mean, you've got to be kidding me. So. I am now officially tennis shoe-less.
But hey, now I have an excuse to buy a new pair of shoes, right?
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Shouldn't adults be more mature than teenagers?
My life has never been easy, but then again, whose has? There's the fights with friends...sisters...moms...dads....and even boyfriends. There's the drama that comes with crushes and high school. But then people start to grow up. And it gets easier.
Hell, I'm about to start college in August, and I'm so ready for it. I'm ready for the stress. But even more ready for the friends and fun! I got into my first choice school--Ball State, AND, I'm moving in four days early. I've already made a new friend--through orientation. I even think I've won the guys heart (and boy has that been a struggle....maybe I'll dedicate a post to him later ;]).
There's also been some recent drama in my life. I just had my graduation party about a month ago, and my....5..6? year old cousin somehow managed to cause a stupid, UNCALLED FOR mess. He popped a ball. Is that a big deal? No. Did his mother turn it into this huge deal? You betcha. She decided to delete me, my sisters, my mom, and my cousins all off her Facebook page. Then, when I asked her why she deleted me, she had the nerve to tell me that it is because of my mother, and that my mother is a hateful person. She had the nerve to keep talking shit about my mother, and put words into my uncles mouth that I honestly don't think he's said. But what do I know? He's not doing anything to stop her. And she's his daughter. She's managed to turn a popped ball into a huge drama. I feel like I'm still in high school.
Shouldn't adults be more mature than teenagers?
I've never been one for drama, and I'm grateful to say that that's the only current drama in my life.
Nothing worthy of a movie. ;]
Currently, my life is very simple:
Work (I have two jobs).
And I honestly like it how it is.
I'm ready to move forward with my life, but I know one day, I'm going to miss this.
Posted by Erika R e n é e at 9:43 PM 0 comments