Tuesday, August 24, 2010

abc...Easy as 123

So today was my second day of classes. And I think I like my English and Social Work classes the best because they are my two smallest classes. Which is more like High School, and it'll be easier for me to ask my professors for help because they're more likely to know, and remember, me. :] I do already have homework. In both English and Social Work. And Sociology, too. lol

Annnd. I got a job. And a really easy one at that! You ready for this?

I'm getting paid to....

E-mail a disabled student a copy of my notes. That's all I have to do, and I'm getting paid. It's not crazy good hours, just when I have class and when I take notes. But still. I'm getting paid to take notes.

I'm also going to try and get another job where I can just work a day or two, just for some extra cash. Because as a notetaker I'll only get three hours, max, a week. So. I need a few more hours than that.

But it's really hard to get a job, even here. Like. Everyone's all over that shit. It's a bit annoying. But at least I have something; it's better than nothing.

School has started out pretty well, I just hope that it doesn't become too hard for me!