Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ignore That Last Post...

I'm just kinda PMS-y, being a female and all. lol
But anyways. It's completely normal to get annoyed with people, even when you love them. Hell, we all love our families, I'm assuming, and we get annoyed with them.
And I told him he'd pissed me off when we talked on the phone the next day, and it's all good now. :]

Nowww. I'm SUPER excited because we're going Cedar Point, and it'll only be the third time in my entire life.
I went the summer before eighth grade, this year on the Fourth of July (we were there from 10am-1am!), and this Saturday makes the third time. I'm extra excited because it's Halloweekends! There's going to be Haunted Houses and all that jazz.

Hopefully we'll take lots of pictures, and I'll be sure to post them! If we do take them of course. haha
Goodnight everybody! :]