Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Hate Being Sick...

Yea. The title really says it all. I've got this lovely little cold. And it sucks. I can't breathe and I'm so tired. I got home from class yesterday, did a little bit of homework, and took a nap. After that I was just like, fuck it. I did my English homework before class today, because I'd forgotten about it. It was such a long weekend, and I'd been at my boyfriend's house from Friday until Monday. I'd brought homework to do, but it never got done. Thankfully, I didn't get sick until Monday, and it didn't get bad until I was back in Muncie. But it'd be so much better if I wasn't sick at all. Because it's really not fun.
And the worst part? I can't take cold medicine. If I do, I'll OD on Anti-Histamines because of my allergy meds. And you can tell if I've OD. My eyes get all dilated. It's kinda funny, but it sucks. It hurts when your eyes are dilated. Ever been to the eye doctor for it? Yea, you know what I mean. And I'm hungry. But food tastes funny. When I'm better...I think the first thing I'm going to do is to eat.