Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Random Thoughts...

Sooo. I'm pretty excited for this weekend, for one, I have no classes on Monday. Woot! lol :]
I'm also going home this weekend...well, not really home home, I'm staying at my boyfriend's house. My mom pretty much told me I'm not allowed to come home until Thanksgiving break, but I can't go that long without seeing Matt every now and then, you have to see you significant other and be with them in person somewhat for it to work out. I mean, I don't see how people can do long distance without being with that person in person. Like. It's so much better when you're with them, and you can feel the chemistry, ya know? So anyways, my parents have no idea I'm coming home. But I'm an adult, so I can do what I want. I'd love to go see them. But my mom doesn't think I need to be coming home. So. Yea.

I'm also excited about it because that gives me time to do homework, while Matt's at work, without having to worry about time. I don't have any classes to make sure I won't miss. And I won't have a car, so I can't go anywhere that will keep me from doing my work. 'Cause, come on, I'm so not walking anywhere when I walk so much everyday for classes! lol

Our first football game is tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited. My high school team sucked, so it's going to be nice to see a team that I don't already know will lose. There was no point in going to one of my high school's teams football games, unless you just wanted to get out of the house and hang out with your friends. If you wanted to support a winning team, go to the visitors side. Or watch a professional team on the TV. So it'll be nice to see a real football game, live.

On another note, I really want this bookbag my friend showed me; it's awesome!

Yea. So that's what I totally want for Christmas! And Taylor Swift's new CD! But I don't know if I could wait for it for that long, since it comes out in October.
That's a long wait. But, seeing as I'm broke, I might just have to wait that long. ):

Another thing on my mind is tattoos. I already have one on my hip, but I'm planning on getting one behind my ear as well. When I have the money. I already have what I want picked out!(I'll post pictures later!)
I'm really excited about it, but nervous too. Because it's going to hurt way worse than the one on my hip. But Matt said he'd go with me. So I have someone's hand to hold. Well. I had someone's hand last time too, but this time it's someone a little more special.

I think that's all that's really on my mind right now. Well. That I feel like writing about.
But if you made it through all this, then I totally love. Haha. Just kidding. But you're pretty awesome. 'Cause it's just a lot of stuff that's unimportant. Well. Not to me. But. To other people. Yea, so I'm going to stop babbling.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this. :]